Mental Toughness: What It Is, and What It Takes

Mental Toughness: What It Is, and What It Takes

When faced with a threat, humans react with one of three instinctive behaviors: fight, flight, or freeze. There are so many variables that play out into a particular outcome, and most of them are out of your own control—but there is one game-changing variable that is completely within your control when you face threats of any kind: your mental toughness. Guest author Trey McCalla unpacks this game-changing trait, and tells us what it really takes to get it.

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Developing Mental Toughness

Developing Mental Toughness

Resilience, determination, grit, a “never-say-die” attitude—all attempt to describe the intangible qualities that produce mental toughness, or MT, in an athlete. Guest contributor Tyler Christiansen of the NSCA helps Coach Jace define this tricky "X-factor" that coaches look for, and how athletes can develop it.

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Bro Shoulders: The Importance of Upper-Back and Shoulder Mobility

Bro Shoulders: The Importance of Upper-Back and Shoulder Mobility

That guy doing nothing but bicep curls and crunches in the weight room? He's on his merry way to developing "Bro Shoulders." But this doesn't have to be your fate. Dr. Adam Shildmyer talks upper-back and shoulder mobility, and how you can avoid the horrendous performance losses caused by Bro Shoulders.

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What Every Athlete Can Learn From Judokas

What Every Athlete Can Learn From Judokas

While judo athletes don’t receive much, if any, national attention, there is a lot to be learned from this intense sport and the athletes that compete at its highest level. Guest author Doug Berninger shares what he has learned from coaching judo athletes at the Olympic Training Center, and what other athletes can learn from them.

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