From Super Bowl Sunday to Combine Season: Rethinking Athleticism and Testing

From Super Bowl Sunday to Combine Season: Rethinking Athleticism and Testing

As the NFL Combine approaches, the spotlight is on athleticism, athletic testing, and training methods. For sport coaches, trainers, and strength coaches, knowing how to define, measure, and develop athleticism is essential. This article explores the evolution of athletic testing and how modern technology is reshaping performance training, helping coaches optimize athlete development.

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Conference Recap: National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training

Conference Recap: National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training

In this article, you're going to get an insider's summary of my experience attending the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training event, held in Norfolk, VA at the end of August. If you (the reader) are in any way involved in government, military, ROTC, private tech, strength training, academic research, fire/rescue, or law enforcement, my overall report is that there is much to be excited about.

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Strength Testing for Baseball Players

Strength Testing for Baseball Players

When it comes to picking the right exercises for testing, it is extremely important to understand how each exercise relates to the specific task of becoming a better baseball player. I can provide you with some suggestions, but ultimately, you must decide which is best for yourself or your athletes (if you are a coach). In this article, we’ll dive into potential movements to test baseball players on.

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Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

A good friend of mine, who is a long-time collegiate strength and conditioning coach, talks about “neck down training” and “neck up coaching.” What he means is that we often focus on training the body from the neck down – arms, legs, core–for physiological adaptations like strength, power and aerobic fitness, but need to coach the athlete through motivation, confidence, self-esteem, positive self-talk, leadership, etc.

This neck up coaching alludes to sport psychology and behavior change–and again, how can we, as coaches, make athletes, clients, etc. believe in themselves, motivate them, etc. I think you see the point here. The mind is a powerful “muscle.”

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Visualization, Imagery and Enhancing Strength During a One-rep Max Attempt

Visualization, Imagery and Enhancing Strength During a One-rep Max Attempt

Many people have the misconception that a one rep max only requires brute strength. Experience has taught me that successfully completing a one rep max is a process that involves precision and focus. Your mind and body have to be perfectly synchronized in order to lift as much weight as possible. Any veteran lifter will tell you that if you show up with anything less than perfect harmony of mind and body, you will fall dramatically short of what you hoped to accomplish. Read more about one technique within the field of sport psychology that I believe can enhance this mind/body connection is imagery.

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What is Athleticism and How is it Tested? Are We Re-inventing the Wheel?

It’s that time of year again, late February. The Super Bowl is a few weeks behind us and it’s time to start thinking about “next year.”  For NFL organizations and football fans, this means settling in to watch the feats of strength and athleticism during the NFL Combine. And for sport scientists, this garners a lot of talk, debate and discussion about testing. Inside, you’ll learn about the history of athleticism, as well as the Volt Strength Score and more…

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