The Importance of a Flexible Training Program

The Importance of a Flexible Training Program

If you want to train athletes safely and effectively for performance, your program MUST be flexible. This is why static programs just don't work for athletes. Period. Volt Advisory Board members Patrick McHenry and Mike Nitka weigh in on the importance of a dynamic, nimble training program, and why rigid, off-the-shelf plans just don't cut it.

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3 Rules for Testing Your Athletes

3 Rules for Testing Your Athletes

Testing your athletes is crucial for implementing a successful strength and conditioning program. After all, how else will you know if your program is working?! But to obtain the most accurate and objective data, there are a few important rules to follow. Coach Christye explains the 3 most important rules to remember when testing your athletes, to help you get the most out of your data.

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5 Tips to Break Through Losing Streaks

5 Tips to Break Through Losing Streaks

Every athlete will go through a period when they find themselves in a slump. Vince Spadea once lost 21 straight matches on the pro tour. Aratxa Rus lost in the first round in 17 straight tournaments at one point in her career (ouch!). So how do you break out of this losing trend? Guest author, Brandyn Fisher, PhD., provides some sports psychology insights on how to overcome a losing streak.

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Should Early Workouts be Banned for High School Athletes?

Should Early Workouts be Banned for High School Athletes?

The NCAA recently passed legislation prohibiting coaches from scheduling early morning workouts for D1 collegiate athletes. But what about high school athletes? In this article, Volt Advisory Board member and veteran high school strength coach Mike Nitka and I discuss the pros and cons of early morning training for teen athletesβ€”and how it may be doing athletes more harm than good.

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Exercise vs. Program: The Influence of Social Media

Exercise vs. Program: The Influence of Social Media

The rise of social media in the performance training industry has brought us positives as well as negatives. Volt Sport Performance Specialist, Daniel Jahn, CSCS, USAW, NASM-PES, discusses how to navigate this new era of information, and the sport performance tenets that hold true regardless of how information is shared.   

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