Prepare for the ACFT with These Three Essential At-home Training Tools

Prepare for the ACFT with These Three Essential At-home Training Tools

While it may seem reasonable to prepare for the ACFT by continuously performing the six events, successful preparation also requires assessing strengths and opportunities for improvement in your physical qualities, capabilities, and skills required to optimally perform essential tasks required for service.

So regardless of whether you have access to a fully-loaded training facility or a small training space where you live, here are some strategies and workouts you can perform to enhance mobility, strength, power, and mindset using three essential modalities.

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Are You Ready for the ACFT?

Are You Ready for the ACFT?

October 2020 will mark a serious shift in the fitness culture of the U.S. Army. The APFT (Army Physical Fitness Test), the Army’s relied-upon physical fitness test for all soldiers, will officially be retired and replaced by the ACFT (Army Combat Fitness Test). Since 1980, soldiers needed only a pair of running shoes to prepare themselves for their assessment of physical readiness. The days of simplistic running, push-ups, and sit-ups are coming to an end. Read on to learn about the new ACFT and why it’s revolutionizing how the U.S. prepares soldiers for duty.

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