4 Dimensions of Athlete Development, Part 3: Nutrition

“You can’t out train a bad diet…” Athletes that focus purely on weight training and ignore nutrition won’t see the results on the court, field, or in the pool that they would like. Therefore, athletes (and coaches) need to dive into nutrition education in order to see the gains they need when it comes to performance.

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4 Dimensions of Athletic Development, Part 2: Performance

4 Dimensions of Athletic Development, Part 2: Performance

If athletes are high-performance sports cars, then strength coaches are the mechanics: the weight room is our garage, and the practice court is our test track. And just as sports cars need test runs and consistent evaluation to optimize performance, so too do our student athletes. In this second article in a 4-part series on athletic development, Clemson strength coach Kaitlyn Cunningham shares how she tests and evaluates athlete performance—along with practical applications for using that data to construct effective training.

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