Employee Spotlight: Bo Pearson

Employee Spotlight: Bo Pearson

In this month's Employee Spotlight, we are featuring Bo Pearson. 👋 Bo joined our company in a sales role about six years ago, and has continued to grow his career. He is now our Head of Customer Success here at Volt, providing amazing service to our customers.

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Feature Announcement: Volt Chat

Feature Announcement: Volt Chat

If you haven’t heard the latest from Volt HQ this week, we just released our new in-app messaging feature: Volt Chat! Whether you’re sitting at your desktop computer or on-the-go with your phone, Volt Chat lets coaches and personal trainers communicate seamlessly and instantaneously with their athletes, teams, and clients—without leaving the coach platform. When you send a message through Volt Chat, your athletes receive a push notification on their phone.

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Conference Recap: National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training

Conference Recap: National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training

In this article, you're going to get an insider's summary of my experience attending the National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Tactical Annual Training event, held in Norfolk, VA at the end of August. If you (the reader) are in any way involved in government, military, ROTC, private tech, strength training, academic research, fire/rescue, or law enforcement, my overall report is that there is much to be excited about.

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4 Ways to Strengthen Your Employees' Health & Wellbeing

4 Ways to Strengthen Your Employees' Health & Wellbeing

Today, nearly 70% of the American workforce is still working from home and while employees are trying to manage this collision of work and personal life, employers are struggling to support their existing workforce, let alone offer benefits that attract and retain top talent moving forward.

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Employee Spotlight: Stephen James

Employee Spotlight: Stephen James

In this month's Employee Spotlight, we are featuring Stephen James. 👋 Stephen joined our company as a Customer Support Specialist about three years ago, and he has continued to grow his career at Volt. He is now a Customer Experience Manager, ensuring the members of our #VotlFamily have the best experience with us!

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Employee Spotlight: James Kit Moreland, Ph.D.

Employee Spotlight: James Kit Moreland, Ph.D.

Welcome to the Volt Employee Spotlight Blog Series! We talk a lot about Volt HQ, and we thought this series would be a great way to get to know our amazing and talented team that brings Volt to life. Volt is a special organization, and that is largely due to the team that works on it everyday.

For our first entry into this blog post series, please meet Kit! 👋 Kit joined our company as a Data Scientist about three years ago, but recently transitioned to our engineering team.

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How Ditching Carbs Can Hurt You

How Ditching Carbs Can Hurt You

Carbs have been demonized and labeled as “the enemy,” “fattening,” and “inflammatory,” among others. With the aid of fear mongering media reports and articles directing people to avoid carbs, we have become a society in fear of bread, grains, and even fruit and certain vegetables.

The truth, as supported by the vast majority of the professional nutrition and dietetics community, is that carbohydrates are an essential component of a balanced, healthy diet.

So, before you kick carbs to the curb, let’s take a look at why they are important to health, performance, and well-being.

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The Science and Feasibility of Circuit Training

The Science and Feasibility of Circuit Training

Like the human body, Volt is also adaptable.

In response to the changing landscape of life as we know it in the past year, we developed and released Circuit Workouts.

Personally, I have implemented circuit training into my physical activity plan and training schedule. Why? Like many Americans, I’m time-starved. But importantly, I also understand the importance of exercise and physical fitness, and specifically that the added benefits of doing both aerobic endurance exercise and strength training, as opposed to either of the two alone, may be the most effective exercise strategy to reduce risk of chronic disease and premature mortality as reported in a study of >500,000 adults.

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In-Season: The Longest Uninterrupted Training Block of the Year

In-Season: The Longest Uninterrupted Training Block of the Year

one thing that has puzzled me for quite some time is why is it that young athletes (or namely, the coaches) strength train in the off- or pre-season to accomplish the goals described above, and then it gets abandoned in-season? Coaches will push for their kids to attend summer workouts, yet dismiss in-season training.

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Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

Strengthening the Mind: Resistance Training and Mental Health

A good friend of mine, who is a long-time collegiate strength and conditioning coach, talks about “neck down training” and “neck up coaching.” What he means is that we often focus on training the body from the neck down – arms, legs, core–for physiological adaptations like strength, power and aerobic fitness, but need to coach the athlete through motivation, confidence, self-esteem, positive self-talk, leadership, etc.

This neck up coaching alludes to sport psychology and behavior change–and again, how can we, as coaches, make athletes, clients, etc. believe in themselves, motivate them, etc. I think you see the point here. The mind is a powerful “muscle.”

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