Rethinking Weight Loss

Rethinking Weight Loss

People commonly attempt or desire weight loss because they want to “be healthy”. Athletes might pursue weight loss to “get faster”, “jump higher”, or “perform better”. However, many efforts to lose weight consist of practices and behaviors that are harmful to health and can work against optimal performance. Why do we think “weight loss” is the answer in the first place?

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More Than Just "Working Out." Three Simple Periodization Tactics for Lifetime Fitness

More Than Just "Working Out." Three Simple Periodization Tactics for Lifetime Fitness

Many good-meaning people engage in some form of random ‘working out’ that is loosely focused on ‘strength’ or ‘cardio’. While well intentioned, human psychology is a tough nut to crack, and the majority will cease exercise for reasons that include a lack of variety, a lack of priority, or just simple boredom. It is time to re-think how you are going about your fitness.

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