Mastering Consistency: How Champions Celebrate the Holidays While Training

The holiday season brings joy, festivities, and, often, a myriad of distractions that can challenge an athlete’s focus and dedication to training. Coaches, athletes, and trainers face a unique challenge during this time – balancing the celebration of the season with the maintenance of disciplined training routines. Amidst the tempting aromas of holiday feasts and the allure of relaxation, staying focused on training can be an uphill battle. However, with strategic planning and unwavering determination, athletes can not only navigate but also excel during this festive period.

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Pump Your Brakes: The Power of Deceleration in Sports

Pump Your Brakes: The Power of Deceleration in Sports

We've all heard it before: what goes up must come down. This basic principle doesn't just apply to gravity, but to sports as well. While we're usually focused on acceleration as coaches and athletes, it's time to shed some light on the other side of the equation: deceleration.

Acceleration is undoubtedly important for success in sports, but to excel, athletes must also be efficient at slowing down. This is especially true for sports that require changes in direction and quick movements.

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Stop Making These 5 ‘Speed Training’ Mistakes

Stop Making These 5 ‘Speed Training’ Mistakes

Nearly every sport will favor the athlete who can move their body through space with the most speed and control. Within the context of the sport itself, the athlete who can best anticipate what will happen, decide what to do when it happens, and physically execute their strategy has the greatest chance of success. This article focuses on the physical component of speed, and how to avoid common training errors that often get in the way of speed development.

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