Introducing the Volt Demo


We founded Volt Athletics to put elite-level training in the hands of coaches and athletes everywhere. With that goal, we aim to take every team to the next level through science-backed training and personalized goals that drive results in the weight room and in competition.

Since we launched Volt, curious coaches, trainers, athletic directors and parents have asked to take the platform for a spin and see for themselves what our technology has to offer. Now, with the launch of our brand-new (and totally free) demo, every coach everywhere can explore Volt’s world-class training platform on their own time.

Within the demo, you’ll see performance training plans that are tailored for your sport, whether it’s football, volleyball, swimming or more...we got you. What you’ll see inside:


Customized Programs

From an intelligent training calendar to individualized workouts, you can manage your team’s training programs all in one place. To make it easy for you (and your athletes), Volt provides detailed guidance on reps, sets, rest intervals and weights, so all your athletes need to do is follow along, checking off each set as they go. Plus, you can replace movements to make the training even more tailored to your team or weight room.


Periodized for Your Season

Volt’s week-by-week training programs are periodized, so your team peaks when it matters most. Have a break coming up? Add it in the calendar and watch how your training updates dynamically. Plus, you can see your week’s training at a glance, so you’re up to date the minute you step into the weight room.


Tracking Your Team

Volt automatically tracks strength and accountability metrics, but also lets you track whatever matters most to you. Get a bird’s-eye view of the team, or see how individual athletes are performing week by week.


Try it for Yourself

Access to the Volt Demo is totally free, so you have nothing to lose. And if you really like it, make sure you share it with a friend!   

Dan Giuliani, MSAL, CSCS, RSCC, is a regular contributor to the Volt blog. He is a certified strength coach, a co-founder of Volt Athletics, and an adjunct professor of Sports Performance at the University of Washington.
Learn more about Dan and read his other posts | @DanGiuliani