Introducing V3: Volt's Next-Generation Coaching Platform for Groups and Organizations of All Sizes

Sometimes I forget that a decade ago, I was working as a strength coach, spending hours each day in Excel creating detailed, periodized training programs for my athletes.

After a long day in the weight room, I’d come home to the house I shared in Seattle with my roommate and Volt Co-Founder, Trevor, and immediately dive into my spreadsheets to log what my athletes had done that day and adjust the plan for tomorrow. I was spending upwards of three hours every night tinkering with formulas and pivot tables, eating dinner in front of my laptop, and going to bed exhausted.

Eventually, this gave Trevor and me the idea to create software to help coaches like me deliver better training, to more athletes, in less time—and Volt Athletics was born.

That was in 2011. Since then, we’ve released two versions of our flagship technology—our web-based coach platform—to allow coaches and trainers to create, track, and manage dynamic training programs, delivered through an AI-powered training app. Our proven strength and conditioning software has helped coaches and individuals create over a million personalized training programs, and complete over 10 million workouts (and counting!). This summer, we’ve taken some huge strides toward helping coaches at organizations of all sizes reach more people.

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the release of the next generation of Volt’s coach platform: V3.

This launch is a big deal for us. It represents a tremendous amount of excellent work by our talented team—and it represents an important step forward in changing the future of training for the wide spectrum of customers we serve, our Volt Family.

Why We Built V3

Our original coach platform was focused on helping coaches at high schools and small colleges. Over the years, we started to see interest from a variety of other groups and organizations looking for efficient physical training solutions. As we fielded calls from military groups, fire departments, and companies of all sizes looking for solutions for hundreds and thousands (and hundreds of thousands!) of users, we started asking ourselves: What do larger organizations need from a strength and conditioning software? How can we create hyper-personal training experiences for any number of people, wherever they might be?

V3 was designed to build upon what coaches already love about Volt and to address the unique needs of these large organizations.

Launching V3 isn’t just about the redesigned coach platform. V3 signifies the start of the next chapter of Volt—as a holistic strength & conditioning solution that is flexible, personal, powerful, actionable, and scalable to any number of users.

V3 is Flexible

Some of our customers have a staff of coaches who need full control of every training program—while others want to provide individual Volt accounts to users instead. Every organization is unique, so the way that they configure their training solution has to be just as unique.

We built V3 to be the most flexible solution on the market when it comes to how organizations need to create, track, and manage training programs for their users. Thanks to updated data architecture, V3 enables us to provide bespoke solutions to all the different types of organizations we serve—from schools to military groups to Fortune 500 companies.

V3 is Personal

Volt’s secret sauce is the personalization of our training. Our patented Cortex® AI works like a strength and fitness GPS, analyzing your data to recommend the best program and rerouting you in real-time to keep you on track.

While this dynamic personalization is great for individuals, V3 makes it revolutionary for coaches. Cortex can deliver a hyper-personalized, dynamic workout experience to every user, while you stay focused on the high-level details.

V3 is Powerful

V3 is both a powerful solution for coaches and an empowering one.

I know firsthand that a coach’s great challenge is the limited number of hours in a day. We built V3 to maximize the time coaches have with their athletes or clients, by augmenting their ability to provide personalized training expertise to more people in less time. Using the power of Cortex at scale, that’s exactly what Volt enables you to do.

V3 is Actionable

At the end of a training day, coaches need to know: How did my athletes or clients do today? Do I need to adjust our training program? Who needs my help? Rather than spending hours analyzing cells in Excel, we built V3 to automatically track and display the most important data a coach needs in order to get their job done, fast.

In V3, coaches have more actionable data at their fingertips than ever before. We’ve redesigned our Dashboard and Analytics sections to provide powerful, practical, and—importantly—automatic insights into how your athletes are performing. From Readiness scores to estimated one-rep maxes, V3 tracks the data you need in a streamlined view, so you can get back to coaching.

The Future of V3

V3 is the system I wish I had back when I was coaching. Not only would my athletes have loved following my training program from the Volt training app, I would have gotten hours of my life back from doing monotonous admin work day after day.

The best part about V3 is that it works for private coaches working with a handful of athletes—AND for huge organizations with (or without) teams of coaches or trainers needing to manage training at an enormous scale. In so many ways, V3 is the culmination of everything we started back in 2011. And we’re just getting started! Thanks to our new, flexible data architecture, Volt customers can expect frequent improvements and powerful features coming to V3 fast.

If you’re a member of the Volt Family, we can’t wait to hear your feedback on all the new updates—you can simply log in to V3 using your Volt credentials. If you need help or have questions, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact our amazing Support Team. And if you’re not a member of the Volt Family yet, take a look at what’s new in V3 and schedule a demo. We think you’re going to like what you see.

A Sneak Peak of What’s New in V3

Org-Wide Views & Reporting

Coach users in V3 can now view data about all the groups, programs, and users across their entire organization. Previously, your views in Volt were limited to the teams and programs you managed directly. Now coaches have full visibility—but not edit access—into all the programs a user may be assigned to, so everyone is working with the same information.

Individual Accounts for Everyone

In addition to coaches delivering training through the Volt Coach Platform, in V3 organizations can now provide individual Volt accounts to people who aren’t working directly with a coach. Members can use Cortex to create and adapt personalized training programs, and org admins can track engagement and usage in the platform.

New Programming Tools

Not only can coaches use Volt to generate long-term, periodized training programs that are specific to their group’s training goals, experience, and more, but they can also customize those programs down to the minute details of loading, volume, rest time, and more.

New Dashboard with Readiness Data

As athletes fill out their pre-workout Readiness questionnaire, their responses are tracked and charted automatically on the redesigned Dashboard. Coaches can see group averages at a glance and individual Readiness scores on each workout report.

New e1RM Tracking in Analytics

Volt records an estimated one-rep maximum for every loaded movement that an athlete logs an RPE rating for. These e1RMs are tracked automatically in our new Analytics section. View e1RMs for individuals, groups, or across your entire organization—and see how your athletes progress over time.

Custom Resource Hub

Big organizations need a way to deliver other types of content to their users besides workouts. With our Custom Resource Hub, users can access their organization’s proprietary content right from the Volt training app. Contact your Account Manager to learn more.

Join over 1 million people using Volt's AI-powered training system. For more information, click here.

Dan Giuliani, MSAL, CSCS, RSCC, is a regular contributor to the Volt blog. He is a certified strength coach, Co-Founder & CEO of Volt Athletics, and a former professor of sport performance at the University of Washington.
Learn more about Dan and read his other posts | @DanGiuliani