Olympic Fitness Challenge with Volt Athletics - All Around Athlete Program

The Olympics start THIS week!

This month, we're celebrating the spirit of the Olympics by offering you a chance to train like an athlete. Each week in July, we're giving away one free Volt workout tailored to a different Olympic sport. Our expert-designed workouts will help you push your limits and achieve your fitness goals!

Join the challenge by coming back here to the Volt blog each week to find out what sport and workout is up next! Share your progress by using #VoltOlympicChallenge πŸš€


Become the best version of yourself with Volt’s All Around Athlete Program πŸ”₯

Let’s do this!


BW Explosive Step-up

Coach Notes

  • Begin with one foot on the box

  • Explode off the box, switching legs in mid-air

  • Throw arms upward with a double-uppercut

  • Land on both feet simultaneously


  1. Begin by standing in front of a box with one foot on top. Plant the heel firmly on the box.

  2. Load the body by bending at the hips, knees, and ankles, and pull the arms backward to prepare for a jump.

  3. Explosively extend through the hips, knees, and ankles while throwing the arms forward in a double-uppercut motion. Jump straight up and switch legs in mid-air.

  4. Land with the opposite foot on top of the box and the first foot on the floor to complete the rep. Both feet should land at the same time.

  5. Immediately begin the next rep. Jump as high as possible each rep.

DB Goblet Squat

Coach Notes

  • Lock core, keep back flat, eyes up.

  • First movement is butt back.

  • Drive through the heels.

  • Do NOT allow knees to collapse inward.


  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with toes pointed slightly out. Hold one dumbbell in a vertical position with both hands, hugging it close to your chest and under the chin, with thumbs together and palms facing each other. Lock the core, expand the chest, and keep the head neutral and the eyes up throughout the movement.

  2. Push the butt back first, then sink the hips to descend until hips are parallel to the knees. Keep the torso tall and the chest proud.

  3. Drive through the heels, engaging the glutes to extend the hips and return to standing to complete the rep.

  4. Do not allow the knees to collapse inward or drive forward beyond the toes.

Band Row

Coach Notes

  • Overhand grip.

  • Keep shoulders back, lock core, eyes up.

  • Arms straight at the top of each rep.

  • Pull bar straight down to chest.

  • Do NOT rock, sway, or use momentum.


  1. Secure a band at about chest height and stand facing the band with a slight bend in your knees. Grip the band in both hands in an overhand grip. Lock the core and pull your shoulders back and down.

  2. Pull the band directly to your chest, keeping your elbows higher than your hands and tucked into your sides. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you row, and do not allow your body to rock or sway during the movement.

  3. Straighten your arms to return to the starting position to complete the rep.

  4. Move slowly and with control throughout the movement. Do not allow the band to lose tension. To make the movement harder, grip the band closer to its anchored end or use a heavier band.

DB Split Squat

Coach Notes

  • Weight displayed applies to each dumbbell

  • Keep core locked, torso tall, eyes up

  • Shift weight to lead foot on box before stepping up

  • Push through heel to step up

  • Step down with trail foot first



  1. Begin standing directly in front of a box and hold one dumbbell in each hand at your sides in an overhand grip. Step one foot onto the center of the box while keeping the spine vertical.

  2. Shift your weight onto the lead foot, then push through the heel to step up onto the box. Stand up fully on top of the box.

  3. Step down first with the trail leg and then the lead leg to complete the rep.

  4. Complete all reps on one leg before switching.

  5. Keep the hips even throughout the movement. Do not allow the knee to collapse inward or drift past the toes.

Band Straight-Arm Pulldown

Coach Notes

  • Band anchored above head.

  • Hold band with straight arms, body facing band.

  • Lock core, keep torso still.

  • Pull band straight down in front of body.

  • Control band through entire range of motion (ROM).


  1. Secure a circular band above your head (around a pull-up bar, squat rack, or any other tall and secure structure). Stand facing the band and grip the other end of the loop with both hands. Lock your core, pull your shoulders back and down, and keep your elbows straight throughout the movement. Start with your arms about 45 degrees above your head.

  2. Without letting your body twist or rock, pull the band straight down to touch your legs, isolating the movement at your triceps and lats.

  3. Return the arms slowly to the starting position to complete the rep.

  4. Move slowly and with control, and do not use momentum to complete the movement. Keep your arms straight throughout the full range of motion.

  5. If you cannot anchor the band high enough above you, perform the same movement from a kneeling position.

Band Half-Kneeling Pallof Press

Coach Notes

  • Lock core, keep spine braced and neutral.

  • Press band away from chest until arms are straight.

  • Do not allow body to twist.


  1. Secure a band at shoulder height for a half-kneeling position and hold the other end with both hands. Standing perpendicular to the band's anchor point, come into a half-kneeling position with the knee closest to the anchor point down and the opposite foot in front of your body.

  2. Keeping the core locked, squeeze the glutes and slowly straighten the arms in front of the chest. The band should move in a straight line from full flexion at the chest to full extension.

  3. Do not allow the torso to rotate and do not use momentum. Keep tension in the band throughout the full range of motion.

Plate Reverse Fly

Coach Notes

  • Hinge at the hips until back is parallel to the floor, arms hang straight from shoulders.

  • Raise plates up, squeezing shoulder blades together, keeping arms straight.

  • Do not bounce or rock.


  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, and two plates held at your sides in a parallel grip.

  2. Keeping a slight bend in the knees, hinge at the hips until the back is flat and parallel to the floor and arms are hanging straight down from the shoulders. Hold this parallel position, keeping the core locked and the eyes up, throughout the movement.

  3. Without bouncing or rocking, raise the arms up and out to the sides until the plates reach shoulder-level, keeping the arms straight. Squeeze the shoulder blades together at the top of the movement.

  4. Slowly lower the plates to their starting position with control to complete the rep. Keep the torso parallel to the floor throughout the movement.


Stay tuned for a month filled with FREE weekly workouts to keep you motivated! Whether you’re just starting your fitness journey, looking to push your limits or leading a team to glory, we’ve got something for everyone.

Don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels to stay updated and tag us in your workout posts. We love seeing your progress and celebrating your hard work and dedication!